Saturday, September 5, 2009

I got peed on!

We went to the farmer's market today. Got lots of yummy veggies and stuff. Took the pugglets and they were really good. But I got peed on by a humane society special. He didn't mean to, but I walked just past trying to wrangle the girls as he started to lift his leg.
Took a nap, got some knitting done. Working on Mr. Foster from knitpicks but goth style. I've also been knitting baby hats to donate. And I've been working on a shawl for me. I have another shawl to work on for me to wear to Katie's wedding but I'm worried it's too complicated in the 28 days between now and then. I can totally seee me knitting it up to ten minutes before the wedding. I think if I work on it every night for at least an hour I'll get it done.
In health news I have a pinched nerve in my elbow aka tennis elbow. I got a brace from the doctor but it gave me hives so I went and got one from walgreens.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

socks and obsessions...

Lately I've come to realize that of the socks I've knit in my knitting career aka just about a year and a half, I've knit a pair each for my mom, two nieces and someone at work. I have attempted to knit two pairs for myself, one of which got felted and shrunk and is no longer wearable and the other that is a bit itchy for me to wear on a regular basis. I've had a pair of Spring Cable socks on the needles for about six months that I keep not working on because I've been finishing other things.

So tonight I picked them up and tried them on and I realized two things. 1. I love the feel of them and swooned a bit trying them on. 2. I want to replace all the pairs of my store bought socks with hand knit ones. I am expecting some very cute knitpicks sock yarn way soon and can't wait. I've also got some size 1, 2 and 3 needles on the way as well.

We've been making lots of stitch markers lately as well and as soon as pics are done they will be up for sale on etsy.

Otherwise, I've just been working and listening to podcasts lately. I'm way addicted to Lime & Violet. Love love love their quirkiness and I may have picked up their sock yarn addiction.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Apparently I'm more of a random blogger...

So it seems to me that I tend to only update my blog once in a blue moon. So I suppose I'll stick with that and see how it goes.

Megan's mom came to stay with us for 10 days and it was so much fun to have off and enjoy the time with family. I'm glad she stayed but I'm also glad to have our space back.

Tuesday was Megan's birthday and we went out for dinner with her cousin Matt and her mom at Forum and had just a good time talking and eating. Megan got a Wii and Wii-fit for her birthday present from her parents. She seems very excited and I can't wait until we start using it more often. We even went to Circuit city's closeout sale and got 4 Wii-mote-skins and a skin for the balance board too.

Then we went to Sheep in the City for all three days. We had so much fun and I took a learn to spin class and a class on how to finish sewing projects together. Guild wars made me laugh so hard. There were people running around in viking costumes and knit chainmail. I enjoyed it so much. I definitely want to go back again next year and Megan's mom does too.

As for my current knitting. I finished a pair of socks for Megan and have been working on a couple of other things... A new Clapotis in lace weight yarn and a shawl for a friend who is getting married.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Podcasts, baby hats and sleep, oh my.

So lately I've been working on getting caught up on the knitpicks podcasts and then knitting out of my collection of paper bags. I finished a set of fingerless gloves and now am working on my Sweet Baby Cap. It makes me think of andes candies. Who knows what will be in the next bag?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I'm trying to see if I can post from my moto q. If it works well I have high hopes for posting more often. I'm excited to be blogging again.

Wow I'm busy...

I've been way busy knitting and working and cleaning. My mother-in-law is coming soon and so we've been working on organizing. I'm kind of antsy to clean the spare bedroom because a lot of it is all the fancy yarn that isn't leftover from my acrylic days. LOL. I've been listening to the Knit Picks podcasts and trying to just get things accomplished.

I finished the socks for my mom. They are fabulous! I'll post pictures when I remember to get them. Mom says they're a little tight, but they feel good while she's wearing them. We took her for Hibachi on Monday and she was very excited.

In other news, I had to get my brakes done, and my phone is out for repair because of some issues I was having. So I'm just kinda stressed.

I can't wait for Sheep in the City. I'm trying to finish Megan's sweater by the time it comes so that I can use it for sewing up in Lois' class. I'm excited. So tonight is knitting and watching Doctor Who.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mindless Knitting

So I have a horrible headache and a sinus infection that is making my vertigo flare up. Everything is a bit spinnie right now, so I needed something mindless to work on. So I poked through my stash and found this:
I decided on a simple triangle shawl from the bottom up. Just a whole lotta garter stitch, mindless that is. I know I lost the second ball of it and now I've got to find it or my shawl won't be very big.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Late night knitting frenzy.

So lately I haven't been sleeping well. I guess it's mostly because my pain level is pretty high right now for my back and just not being able to sleep. *shrug* Hopefully it'll get better. So I've been knitting a lot, working on a pair of socks for my mom and the Hemlock ring blanket for her too. Her birthday is on February 9th. Hopefully I'll be done with both projects by then.